Thursday, July 10, 2008

Huntington Beach Trip

We didn't really do anything fun for the 4th because all of my family was in Idaho and Brian's family was in Chicago, so we decided to go to the beach the day after. We took Avery last year but she was too young to really enjoy it. This time we were a little nervous she would be afraid of the water but boy were we wrong. Now I just have to be nervous about where she is at all times. If we are not careful she'll head out there on her own. She couldn't get enough of the waves and although she was freezing, she cried when either of us tried to take her out. Brian says she is "His Daughter" and I would have to agree. Although I love the water I am very aware of my limitations. Avery and Brian just say
Avery kept pointing out for Brian to take her further
Here we are watching Daddy surf
Brian bought Avery a bunch of beach toys and some friends who came with us borrowed them to make a castle so naturally Avery needed to check things out and keep an eye on them.
Here's Brian going out to surf and Juan going to body board.
Me and Avery
Cute faces
I'm not use to wearing sunglasses because I either lose them or forget them and here I have them and yet I still don't wear them...sometimes I don't understand myself
Avery helped James and Christina with the bridge and moat, I was impressed that she didn't try and destroy anything, she was just very patient.
This picture was actually taken before swim time today, I just thought I would throw it in. This is Avery's friend Nathan
Here is Audrey helping Brian put Avery on the body board. I still can't believe how much fun Avery had in the water and in the sand. Normally she doesn't like to be dirty but she had a ball. We're excited to take her again!!!


nateandcole said...

Cute beach pictures! That's so fun she loved the water.

Blecca and R Home said...

its true the child is brian's :)

Phipps Family said...

My older three love the water and I can't keep them out- We went in Jan. and it was way too cold but they didn't care. Gary hated it all- especially the sand. Colbey's sister lives in Huntington beach right across the the street from the beach and we get to go to the beach with her on friday. I am excited.

Mark Anna Kaizer & Ryker said...

Oh man I am so jelous...I love the ocean so much and so does my little man Kaizer. I am a huge fan of Boogie bordin. You guys are so lucky to be by the ocean, looks like you have tons of fun! How is Avery doing? She is gettn so big, man they grow so dang fast I can't believe it.

Ginger and Gregg said...

Did I read right that you are pregnant???!!!! Congrats! You look great for being a few months pregnant... and running a race even! I think I looked like death during my first trimester.

Andrew and Trena said...

You guys are so cute! I wish that we could hang out :( You look so good Abby! Avery is getting so big... i cant believe how fast they grow. Call me sometime... we need to catch up.

reesespeanutbuttercups said...

Shellie told me the other day that you have a blog.Your little girl is just so adorable. You have to check out our blog. Get on the Lomenicks and then jump to ours. Oh, this is Nicole just occured to me that you probably won't know who this is! Where does my brain go???