Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Rock Climbing at Keller Peak

We went rock climbing with some friends, Juan and Audrey, and we had a good time.  I haven't been in a couple years and I'm a couple months PREGNANT (Surprise) so I really had to take it easy but Brian and the others did well and were able to do more climbing than me.
Here's Brian on the first climb, he had the job of trying to figure out the best hand and foot holds.
Here he is again
This was the second climb, I thought this was a good shot.  I didn't attempt this one because you had to do some major stretching and hopping, there was great potential for me to eat it.
This is a lovely shot of me.  I found it pretty difficult with less energy than normal, when I finished I was so nauseous that I'm really surprised I didn't throw up.
This is Audrey, she was actually the first one to get to the top. GIRL POWER
This is her husband Juan.  He and I haven't been as much as the other two so we felt good about what we accomplished.


Tora Family said...

Oh YEAH!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! it a California thing to be pregnant and do 8k races and rock climbing? :) I don't know how you do it...I would be spewing everywhere. I'm so happy for you!

Blecca and R Home said...

dude, you're a freakin stud! you look hot,:)

nateandcole said...

Hey congrats. When are you due? How do you keep having surprises?!! We need to figure that one out.

Lynsey said...

Congrats! You seriously are super woman.

Kaylene said...

CONGRATS!! on the news. I'm sure Avery will be a great big sister!