Thursday, July 10, 2008


Here are just a bunch of pictures we've taken of Avery lately.  Most of the time she 
was having a good time.
This morning Avery decided that she wanted earrings in so we did.  She was very excited and kept needing to look in the mirror. 
This is the older couple's house who lives next door. Avery loves to play with them.
This is at the Park with Grammy again
Grammy sets up a little soapy water for Avery to wash "her" measuring spoons in and of course get a little wet at the same time.

1 comment:

Andrew and Trena said...

hey abby and Brian,

congrats on being pregnant! avery looks cute and ready for a little brother or sister. Trena just left today to northern Idaho for work, but i just wanted to say hi and congrats!
