Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Dana and Jared came down to visit with little Dylan and Ava, we met them down in San Diego to spend the day. We had a fun time at the zoo when the animals weren't hiding or asleep (although, I didn't blame them). Avery had a fun time getting to know Ava and we didn't even hear from Dylan alllllll day, he is by far the quietest baby I have ever seen.
We are sad that they have just moved to Minnesota. We are hoping to be accepted to a Dental School that is relatively close.
Avery thought the Giraffes were pretty fun.
Our little family
Ava does a much better job posing for the camera, there were a couple of times that Avery seemed to follow her lead but obviously not this time.
This is back at their hotel, all we had to do was walk out the back doors and we
were right on Mission Bay.
They went exploring down at the Bay and found a crab,
the girls were excited to check it out.
Aren't they cute!
This was outside the petting zoo. It was hard to get them to smile or look at the same time. This was the best we could do.

1 comment:

Lynsey said...

Sorry that you are so crazy busy. I hope that it lets up soon:) Congrats on that baby boy. That is super exciting! And, I have to say that I can't help but smile, when I see Ava and Avery pics-- just reminds me of you and Dana. Love you guys!! I can't believe what a blondie girl Avery is-- she is so cute!!