Friday, April 17, 2009

Pics of Avery

Avery is living the terrible twos right now. She is also living the fabulous twos. She has melt downs frequently, but then turns around and is the cutest thing ever. She is really into talking on the phone as most little girls are. She's talking to her Aunt Becca here.
Finally her hair is growing longer so we are able to do more with it.
Sarah's daughter Tavie came to play and they had the best time. They played with the kitchen and play food for so long. They were making each other things and they would say please and thank you to each other. IT was great. We are sad that they don't live closer.
Uncle Tyler came to visit last week so he and Brian took Avery out for some fun times.

1 comment:

Phipps Family said...

How fun! I Love it when the little one play so nicely and say please and thank you.