So Small

He has such a sweet smile

Here is Carter, mommy and daddy.

Carter trying to stop the papparrazi. "No pictures, please."

Isn't he cute?!

Mommy looking good after giving birth.

Daddy looks tired or at least he can't open his eyes.

Carter hanging out with Grammy.

Carter with Poppa.
Congrats...He is perfect!I hope everything went well and everyone is doing good. I bet Avery just loves adores him. What a cute little guy!
awww...congrats! He is a cutie...love the hair! I'm thinkin'he looks like Brian right now. :) How does Avery respond to him?
Congratulations Abby! He's a doll. And it's so fun to have one of each:)
so I have been absolutely terrible with looking at blogs since I started school this semester and just had to do a recap of you last few months. Carter is beautiful and we can't wait to see him in person. I miss you guys so much and I wish that I was there.
He is so adorable you guys! Congrats on the new little boy!!! And Abby you do look great after just having a baby, good job! As always you are in our thoughts and prayers, we love you guys!
What a sweet little boy! You are in our prayers!!
Carter is very cute and what a head of hair he has. I will continue to keep your family in my prayers.
He is so darling. We'll keep you in our prayers.
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