Thursday, March 27, 2008

Abby's First Bread

This is my first bread!!! Mom found the recipe for me and it turned out pretty well.  Every week I make two loaves and I am getting much better but there is still room for improvement. I've also been making recipes out of my new cookbook "Deceptively Delicious."  In each recipe there are vegetable purees... so I have been steaming and pureeing everything.  We had beet pancake for dinner the other night.  Brian said they were good but he couldn't get past the fact that they were pink and had "beets" in them.  Avery liked them so we will be having those again.


Blecca and R Home said...

that's rad, where did you get that cook book?

Dana said...

very impressed! I have yet to make homeade bread. The banana and zucchini breads are about as far as I go with bread. I am afraid of the yeast. But I need to try it out since it has been ages since I last tried making bread. Your such a good little cook :)

Tora Family said...

That bread looks so yummy I can almost smell it. What is it about yeast breads that scares us all? I didn't make my first until last year...and I've been on my own and married for over 6 years...and I waited that long because I was afraid of the yeast. But, I come from a family of bread bakers...and so I faced my fears...and it's not so bad. Good Job!