Here are some fun pictures of Avery and Carter!

Avery just got her big girl bed. She loves it and wants to play on it all the time.

This is Carter the day before surgery. We were having a hard time getting any good ones because he kept moving around so much, but here he is.

Avery wanted to wear my shoes like she always does, and just as the picture was taking, she decided she wanted to put her finger in her nose. She just started this. She'll walk up to me, put her finger in her nose and say, "Mommy look" ... kids will be kids I guess.

I can't believe how much she is growing up.

So we have to check Carter's heart before we give him his medication and about a week ago I checked his heart, went to grab the medication off the counter in the kitchen, and came out to find Avery checking his heart. When she noticed me she said, " Mommy it's good." She is so cute with him.

Here is our little man, sooooo cute!