Monday, April 21, 2008


Sunday dinner at Grammy and Grandpa's house
Grammy made a little Easter egg hunt for Avery.  Because we don't give her candy she got fruit snacks and animal crackers in her eggs, she for the most part just wanted to open them up and not eat.  She has never been a big eater.
She loves to sit her and rock next to Grandpa, it makes her feel like a big kid!

Avery is getting to be so fun.  She is finally saying all sorts of things like, "On your mark get set, and Grandpa, juice, milk, shoes, etc." And we are so excited that she finally can say please in sign language. She use to just get mad at me when I asked her to do it before and then other day she just did it out of know where, I WAS IN SHOCK! Avery also loves to dance, she could dance to just about anything.  We were in the grocery store today and she was helping push the cart, she had to stop every so often so she could dance to the music playing.  I was laughing to myself. Kids are so great-- for those who have them we always wonder what we ever did without them!! Brian is staying very busy with studying for the DAT we are so proud of him, work all day and study all night. I'm just staying busy with Avery, callings, and stamp club. 
It's bath time again!!
MOM! Do you have to take pictures?!
Big Lips
Easter Lunch Box and Bunny
Mommy found an Easter movie she use to watch when she was a little girl, Avery thought it was pretty fun
Watching her Easter movie


Dana said...

She is so cute! I love the scowl face in the bathtub. She has quite the personality. Love that she had to stop and dance, Ava does the same. they are so much fun!

Blecca and R Home said...

cute pictures, I love them. you look great!!! avery is such a cutie. have you checked out my blog lately? no one has put any comments on it at all this month, pretty sad huh. anyway, I love avery's dress, she looks so cute!

April Garvin said...

Hey Abby, CUTE blog!!! Avery makes the cutest faces.
Becca HI!!! I tried to look at your blog but I cant. Miss you!

Ginger and Gregg said...

It was great talking to you! You look amazing by the way, I don't know what you were talking about about trying to shed some pounds. Avery is a cutie, I hope I can meet her sometime! Love ya. By the way, tell Becca I can't get into her blog either.